Uwagi w sprawie wieku warstw Igockich


  • Leszek Koszarski
  • Wiesław Nowak


NOTES ON THE AGE OF THE LGOTA BEDS (CARPATHIAN FLYSCH)The Lgota beds used to be assigned to the Upper Aptian-Lower Albian, or the Aption-Lower Albian, or to the Lower Albian only (J. Nowak, 1927; M. Książkiewicz, 1956c). There also was expressed the opinion (L. Koszarski, W. Nowak, K. Żytko, 1959) that these beds reach as far as the Lower Cenomanian, since in the upper gaize beds a Cenomanian fauna has been observed and, in the lower part of the superimposed member, Cenomanian - Turonian faunae. It also has been ascertained that the upper boundary of the Lgota beds, the gaize, and the upper Spas shales is stratigraphically constant (l. c.). In order to define the age of the lower boundary of the Lgota beds the authors anaIyze, in known sections of these beds, the distribution of faunae mentioned in literature, or recently discovered, in the wide area extending from Moravia as far as the Sanok region, there occur in the lower, sandstone part of the Lgota beds numerous localities with small belemnites of group Neohibolites minimus L i s t. (the greatest number - more than 150 specimens - was found near Biała - Bielsko, and near Sanok too).



