Współzależność między mikrofauną a facią w kredzie węglanowej otworu Pagórki


  • Eugenia Gawor-Biedowa


INTERRELATION BETWEEN MICROFAUNA AND FACIES IN THE CARBONATE CRETACEOUS OF PAGÓRKI BORE HOLE (NEAR MOGILNO)This paper represents an attempt of investigating the interrelation between development of foraminifers and facial conditions. These investigations have been carried out in the carbonate Cretaceous of the Pagórki bore hole 1. e. in deposits extending from the Upper Albian to the Upper Campanian inclusively. Here principally occur three kinds of rocks: siliceous limestones ("opoka"), marls (in the shape of intercalations) and limestones. The limestones are found chiefly in the Upper Albian, Cenomanian and in the Turonian, excepting only its highest part. Within the range from the upperpart of the Turonian as far as the Upper Campanian, siliceous limestones occur; in these deposits the content of SiO2 and CaCO3 has been ascertained. The diagram of the per cent content of SiO2 is almost identical as the diagram plotted for CaCO3.



