Górny wizen z Konradowa koło Wałbrzycha


  • Halina Żakowa


THE UPPER VISEAN FROM KONRADÓW NEAR WAŁBRZYCH (LOWER SILESIA)In this paper the author describes in detail the localities of Upper Visean fauna from the road cut at Konradów (Konradsthal), situated about 5 km. northeast of Wałbrzych (Figs. 1 and 2). The occurrence of fauna at this locality has already been mentioned by E. Dathe (1892), E. Dathe and G. Berg (1926), W. Paeckelmann (1930, 1931). For the present paper the author utilized, besides her own collection, likewise specimens found between 1931 and 1939 by F. Zimmermann and determined by herself. In Table 2 these latter specimens have been distinguished by asterisks. In the southern scarp of the cut the author described 7 vertical sections (Fig. 3) in which occurred series of argillaceous shales, infrequently interbedded by intercalations of clay-greywacke shales, greywackes and by lenses and intercalations of marls (Fig. 4). Of fauna, there occur brachiopods, numerous pelecypods, also gastropods, cephalopods and trilobites were found. The larger part of these series has been assigned to subhorizon Goniatites striatus striatus (S o w.). The top part of the Upper Visean sediments appearing in the cut (Fig. 5) has been described as vertical section 8, constituting a natural out-crop of these beds. In this section there chiefly occur conglomeratic or greywacke sediments, with thin intercalations of argillaceous or greywacke shales, revealing ripple marks and landslides breccia. In the greywacke rocks there occurred the following fauna: brachiopoda (particulary numerous were Dictyoclostus zimmermanni P a e c k e l m.), pelecypods, gastropods, cephalopods, and remnants of Crinoids. On the basis of Goniatites striatus falcatus R o e m., the author assigned this section almost completely to subhorizon Goβ3For the road cut at Konradów the author reconstructed the presumable geological section (Fig. 5); here she indicated the position of the individual vertical sections, as well as the localities where fauna and flora occurs. Compared with the tectonically disturbed Upper Visean in the central part of the area of Wałbrzych Miasto (Altwasser), i.e. the syncline of Ptasia Góra (H. Żakowa, 1958a, 1958b, paper in press), the strata at Konradów dip altogether southeastwards of sowthwards. Similarly as the sediments of the Upper carboniferous (Fig. 2) which are in contact with them not far from the discussed road cut.



