Uwagi o stratygrafii podłoża krystalicznego północno-wschodniej Polski


  • Jerzy Znosko


NOTES ON THE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE CRYSTALLINE SUBSTRATUM OF NORTHEASTERN POLANDThe Precambrian substratum of northeastern Poland is nowhere exposed on the surface. Thus far, it has been ascertained in 9 drillings. In bore hole Pisz, pink quartzites were penetrated and, underlying them, gabbro with syenite; in bore hole Ostrów Mazowiecka - pink quartzites, with granitoids underneath; in bore hole Ełk - syenites; in bore hole Krynki - biotite parachists; in bore hole Suwałki - anorthosites, in bore hole Sokółka 1 - phyllite schists with ophiolites underneath. The latter are deposited on gneisses and migmatites; in bore hole Sokółka 2 are gneisses and migmatites, in bore hole Sokółka 3 gneisses and migmatites, in bore hole Wisznica granitoids and quartz diorites.AlI these rocks may be divided into: A -quartzite rocks, and B - intrusive and metamorphic rocks.



