Wiercenie na Domańskim Wierchu w Kotlinie Nowotarskiej koło Czarnego Dunajca


  • Jadwiga Urbaniak


THE BORE-HOLE AT DOMAŃSKI WIERCH, NEAR CZARNY DUNAJEC, PODHALE AREAThe author presents the description of the profile of the bore-hole drilled at Domański Wierch (753 meters above sea level) near Czarny Dunajec in the Podhale area.The aim of the drilling was to obtain a detailed geological profile and samples for an exact determination of the sequence and age of clays and gravels occurring in the depression of Nowy Targ. Besides, it was expected to reach the substratum of the Neogene series.The sediments drilled through are composed of looms, clayey shales, sands, gravels and conglomerates (for the geological profile see Fig. 2 in the polish text). Several horizons with fossil flora and fauna are present in the clayey shales (for the table of fossiliferous horizons see p. 793 in the polish text).The petrographic character of the sediments indicates, that both the Podhale Flysch and the Tatra Mts. contributed the detrital material during the sedimentation of the Neogene series at Domański Wierch.



