Utwory karbońskie w Żebraku koło Siedlec


  • Karol Bojkowski
  • Jędrzej Müller


CARBONIFEROUS DEPOSITS AT ŻEBRAK NEAR SIEDLCE (EASTERN POLAND)In the·Żebrak bore-hole, drilled SW of Siedlce, Upper Carboniferous sediments have been proved at the depth from 1295.5 to 1360.9 m. These sediments are developed in the shape of siltstones, claystones, sandstones and thin limestone intercalations. In the siltstones but one species of flora has been disclosed, i. e. Neuropteris gigantea S t b g. Marine fauna, prevalently forms·belonging to the genus of Leda, occurs in the highest strata of the profile.On the basis of examinations of both flora and fauna, as well as study of mega- and microspores the authors determined the age of the described sediments to be Namurian C and lowermost Westphalian A.



