Geologiczne warunki występowania łupków ogniotrwałych w pokładzie ,,209" w kopalni "Ziemowit” w Lędzinach


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GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS CONNECTED WITH THE OCCURRENCE OF REFRACTORY CLAYS IN HORIZON "209" OF COAL-MINE ,,ZIEMOWIT"  AT LĘDZINY (UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN)In the southwestern part of coal-mine "Ziemowit", at Lędziny in Upper Silesia; the authors have observed a splitting of horizon "209". Upon the entire area of coal-pit "Piast" and on the prevailing part of coal-mine ''Ziemowit'' there appears in this horizon (thickness 5.00 to 5.50 m.) a refractory clay (Tonstein). Within the range of this split this clay shows no change of petrographic character; it continues along the bottom of the Upper layer branch. Between this refraotory clay and the coal of the upper seam there extends a layer of argillaceous shale, 10 cm. thick.The fact has been established ·that in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin refractory clays are apt to occur amidst coal deposits as well as within argillaceous and arenaceous deposits. This observation is the first one of its kind made in this Coal Basin.



