Osady czwartorzędowe doliny Wisły na północny zachód od Warszawy


  • Jadwiga Nowak


QUATERNARY DEPOSITS OF THE VISTULA VALLEY NW OF WARSAWPreparing a geological section along line Leszno - Kazuń - Brody and connecting up with bore-holes situated NW of Warsaw made it possible to discern marked changes in altitude of the top of the Pliocene, and an increasing development of the Quaternary deposits laid down in the present-day Vistula valley and its surroundings.At Praga and Tarchomin the top of the Pliocene lies at about +65 m.; it subsides markedly lowered north-and northwestwards appearing, below sea level, at Kazuń (-11 m.), at Leszno (-20 m.), at Zegrze (-30 m.) and at Dziekanów (-40 m.). Simultaneously the thickness of the Pliocene strata decreases considerably; from about, 130 m. at Praga to 26 m. at Dziekanów. This undoubtedly is proof of strong glacial exaration and erosion of the Quaternary rivers on the area, N and NW of Warsaw.



