Skały egzotyczne fałdu Grabownicy


  • Stanisław Wdowiarz
  • Tadeusz Wieser


EXOTIC BLOCKS OF THE GBABOWNICA FOLD (CARPATHIANS)In a paper, "Geology of the Grabownica fold" (S. Wdowiarz, 1953),this author presents data on the occurrence of conglomerates with crystalline material in the middle Flysch Carpathians. The lowest horizon in which they were observed, are the Lgota beds in the area of Lutcza (Krosno region).The conglomerate occurs here in their lower part, in a position analogous with its occurrence at Krasna and Węglówka. A second horizon with conglomerates are the Czarnorzeki Sandstones. The crystalline material occurs in a shale-congIomerate intercalation; from this intercalation; A. FIeszar (1912) has described its fauna, chiefly of Palaeocene age. A third horizon containing exotics blocs is the Ciężkowice sandstone; the material taken from this horizons has mainly been collected in the southern part of Domaradz, from the most easternly situated exposures of this sandstone. The last series from which exotic blocs were taken and examined, are the Krosno beds in the area of Stara Wieś. Hece the exotic material consists chiefly of sedimentary rocks.



