Stratygrafia mikropaleontologiczna górnego albu i górnej kredy w Polsce, bez Karpat


  • Eugenia Gawor-Biedowa
  • Emilia Witwicka


MICROPALAEONTOLOGICAL STRATIGRAPHY OF UPPER ALBIAN AND UPPER CRETACEOUS IN POLAND EXCLUDING THE CARPATHIANSThis paper represents a synthesis of the investigation hitherto undertaken in the Upper Albian and Upper Cretaceous in Poland (excepting the Carpathians). These investigation were carried out in the Cretaceous of the western slope of the Ukrainian shieId, in the marginal syncline, in the Szczecin - Lódź - Miechów depression, and in the Saxonian bIoc (division according to W. Pożaryski). Altogether, the authors examined foraminifers from 16 bore-holes and distinguished the index forms or associations of index forms far, the individual stages, even zones. On the basis of these examinations they established the micropalaeontological stratigraphy of the investigated series, as presented in Table 1. ln order to obtain uniformity, they also compared their microfaunal stratigraphy with the stratigraphy based on the macrofauna. Each of the two authors has determined the stratigraphy of an equal number of bore-hoIes, and the result of this research they jointly present in the above mentioned table.



