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  • Władysław Karaszewski


NEW DIVISION OF~HESWIĘTYKRZYZ LIASThe author has worked out a new division of the Święty Krzyż Lias and attempted its parallelization with the marine Lias of Western Europe. The author based his paper on both older rnacrofloral studies made by M. Raciborska (1891-1892), A. Makarewiczówna (1928), C. Kuźniar (1922-32 and 1943), and on more modern examinations of pollen by M. Rogalska (1956) and T. Orłowska (1960), of megaspores by T. Marcinkiewicz (1957-59), and on palaeozoological investigations made by J. Kopik (1960).Instead of the heretofore distinguished four series of the Święty Krzyż Lias (J. Samsonowicz, 1928; R. Krajewski, 1947; 1958) or six series (I. Jurkiewiczowa, 1950; E. Cieśla, Z. Kozydra, 1958), the author introduces a division into 9 series. The two lowermost series correspond to the Lower Hettangian (Lias α1), and each successive series to one of the stages of the marine Lias.



