Gliny pseudozwałowe w profilu czwartorzędu niektórych miejscowści Polski środkowej


  • Edmund Rudkowski


PSEUDO-BOULDER CLAYS IN QUATERNARY SECTION OF SOME LOCALITIES OF CENTRAL POLANDThe author cites several specified localities in order to prove it inadmissible to consider certain strata of boulder clays appearing amidst fluvial, fluvioglacial and lice-dammed lake deposits of the Central Polish Quaternary to be glacial deposits, notwithstanding the fact that they disclose a remarkable resemblance to proper boulder clay. In the author's opinion we actually are dealing here with slope deposits which penetrated the series of accumulation deposits by means of earth slumps, slide processes, solifluxion or congelifluxion.From this theory there result numerous conclusions both as to terminological problems (here the author introduces the term "pseudo-boulder clay"), and as to stratigraphical interpretations, especially of bore hole sections. Likewise, this theory yields practical consequences as far as questions of infiltration and circulation of underground waters in the discussed area are concerned.



