Przyczynek do znajomości mikrofauny warstw krośnieńskich


  • Henryk Jurkiewicz


CONTRIBUTION TO COGNIZANCE OF MICROFAUNA OF KROSNO BEDSThe author has investigated the microfauna content in 1867 rock samples collected from sections of the Krosno beds of the Carpathian Central Depression, i.e. the Dukla-Michowa folds and the Inoceramian marginal region (Fig. 1).On the basis of the results of these examinations he asserts that, generally speaking, the discussed beds contain but scanty fossils (see Tables 1 and 1a). It is impossible to speak here of typical faunal horizons nor of distinguishing characteristic - as to their correlation - associations of foraminifers. It seems probable that the scantiness of fauna encountered in the Krosno beds is connected with specific bathythermal conditions which characterized their marine environment, i.e. with a fairly frequent oscillation of the ocean floor which must have resulted in rhytmic faciaI changes (alternating shale and sandstone deposits); and with a fairly low temperature of the ocean waters. Nearly always the rock complexes consisting of alternating thin laminae of shales and sandstones., as well as of arenaceous shales and sandstones, are either sterile or they contain but sporadically a dwindled fauna. On the other hand, the shale strata, sand less, occurring in larger thicknesses, are fairly rich in fossils of microorganisms.



