Deltowe osady koniaku w okolicy Idzikowa


  • Stanisław Radwański


DELTA DEPOSITS OF THE CONIACIAN IN THE REGION OF IDZIKÓW (LOWER SILESIA)During sedimentation of Coniacian deposits there was land in the near vicinity north of Kraków, (Lower Silesia). South from this land, the region was covered by an epicontinental sea, shallower in its northern part (arenaceous marl) and deeper in the remaining area (argillaceous marl). Periodically this land emerged, and therefore new material was continuously being deposited on the bottom of the sea. With the progress of emerging movements there gradually developed a widespread delta area, laid down in the shape of large amounts of detrital material. Due to irregularities in the emergence of land and changes in subsidence of the bottom of the sea, the shore line of the sea moved various distances seawards or landwards; therefore the deltaic deposits were laid down in cycles of sedimentation intertonguing with marine marls. F:itnally, when on land the movement of the earth crust reached its highest intensity, there began to be deposited, on the sand of the rising submarine part of the delta, progressiveIy younger tongues of coarae gravels.



