Nowy podział stratygraficzny liasu w północnej części Jury Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej


  • Zbigniew Mossoczy


NEW STRATIGRAPHIC DIVISION OF LIAS IN THE NORTHERN P ART OF CRACOV-CZĘSTOCHOWA JURAThis paper is intended to justify a new stratigraphical division of the Lower Jurassic in the area situated between Jaworznik and Osiny, south of Częstochowa and Gorzów Śląski (south-western Poland). This new division is based on published material (especially material presented in J. Znosko's (1955) paper), on the author's own field observations, and on the results of the universal progress reached in Poland since 1955 in the stratigraphical investigation of the Lias. The principal difference, compared with the basic division given by J. Znosko, is the interpretation of the section at Gorzów Śląski (TabIe 2, Fig. 1).



