Kierunki transportu materiału klastycznego w górnym karbonie Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Ryszard Gradziński
  • Andrzej Radomski
  • Rafał Unrug


DIRECTIONS OF TRANSPORT OF THE CLASTIC MATERIAL IN THE UPPER CARBONIFEROUS OF THE SILESIAN COAL BASINThe Upper Carboniferous sandstones of the Silesian Coal Basin are very often cross-bedded. Both torrential and tangential types of cross-bedding are present, and each of them is·represented by a number of varieties. Following the terminology of McKee and Weir (1953) the authors distinguished the parallel torrential cross-stratification (ng. 1) and wedge-shaped torrential cross-stratification (Fig. 2). Parallel, wedge-shaped and trough cross-stratification varieties were distinguished within the tangential type of cross-stratification (Fig. 3, Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). The term “irregular current beddingˮ was, proposed by the authors (B. Gradziński, A. Radomski, R. Unrug 1959) for irregular current-bedded streaks occurring, within beds of fine-grained sandstones. This type of current bedding is also common in the Silesian Upper Carboniferous.



