Próba zastosowania emulsji jądrowej do badań nad rozmieszczeniem uranu i toru w skałach magmowych na przykładzie granitoidów


  • Aleksander Jeliński
  • Józef Lis


ATTEMPY AT APPLICATION OF NUCLEAR EMULSION FOR INVESTIGATION OF URANIUM AND THORIUM IN MAGMATIC ROCKS, SUCH AS GRANITOIDSThe authors have presented the results of their search of distribution of uranium and thorium in the granites·of the Karkonosze and the Strzegom-Sobódka massifs in the Sudeten Mountains.This research was undertaken by the method of alpha microautoradiography, using thin sections covered. With nuclear emulsion.The authors made their observations with a MIN-4 microscope equipped with a 15 x eyepiece and a 90 x immersion objective.They examined 13 granite samples taken from various points of the massifs under discussion. Their detailed observations comprised: quartz, feldspars, biotite, hornblende, iron oxides, zircon, allanite, secondary minerals from feldspars, as well as cracks and contours of grains.The results of their observations the authors have presented in the following conclusions:1. The radioactive elements are irregularly distributed within the investigated granites.2. The major part (more than 6) of the total radioactivity of the rock is connected with accessory minerals of the magmatic phase (zircon, allanite, titanite), and is probably chiefly mused by thorium.3. The remaining share of radioactivity is produced by secondary minerals in which the major part of uranium content of the rock is concentrated.



