W sprawie wieku "brekcji lisowskiej"


  • Anna Szyperko-Śliwczyńska


ON AGE OF "LISÓW BRECCIA"A rock of the so-called "Lisów breccia" type has bean identified in the Magnuszew section in the shape of two intercalations occurring in the bottom and the middle part of a variegated series deposited on the Lower Keuper. Together with these breccia intercalations, there also occur here intercalations of other clayey; calcareous conglomerates, commonly found in the Rhaetic series of northeastern Poland.The cognizance of the Magnuszew section made it possible to correlate the conglomerate-type series of northeastern Poland with series of the Silesia-Cracow region containing Lisów breccia intercalations and with the northern periphery of the Święty Krzyż Mountains on the one band and, by the intermediary of the Studzianna section, with conglomeratic sediments of central and western Poland.



