Szkic geologii karbonu we wschodniej Polsce


  • Jerzy Muller


ON GEOLOGY OF THE CARBONIFEROUS IN EASTERN POLANDThe preliminary geological recognition of Eastern Poland, undertaken by the Geological Institute by means of deep bore-hole and regional geophysical research, made it possible to determine there a wide spread of the Carboniferous. The sediments of this period are developed in a Coal Measure facies.Taking into account our present-day knowledge of some regions of the area under discussion, we fail to have full certainty as to even such a fundamental question as the probable depth of the surface of the carboniferous sediments. Nor are entire clear such structural problems as the age and the character of the foldings observables along several seismic profiles. It seems that the area situated east of the regional flexure in the Carboniferous sediments (to some extent identical with the first escarpment of the East European Platform) is covered by Carboniferous sediments developed in platform conditions, while westwards of this flexure we may assume, in the Upper Carboniferous, a structural shape resembling a foredeep. The author discuss these problems, presenting hypothesis as well as all the doubts which so far may be put forth as to these hypotheses.A more detailed stratigraphy of the sediments hitherto pierced is going to be fixed after termination of drilling operations. At present we know ,that within the area under discussion almost all stages of the Carboniferous appear from the Tournaisian to the Stephanian, and that the upper members of the Westphalian and the Stephanian appear solely west of the first escarpment of the Platform.



