Analiza szlichowa aluwiów środkowego dorzecza Sufragańca i Bobrzy w północno-zachodniej części Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Andrzej Jaworski


SLICK ANALYSIS OF THE ALLURIA OF THE MIDDLE BASIN OF SUFRAGANIEC AND BOBRZA CREEKS IN NORTHWESTERN PART OF ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINSIn the present paper the author presents the results of his applying the slick method to the search for metal ores in the northwestern part of the Święty Krzyż Mountains. Within the arm of these Mountains hitherto this method has not been used, neither for exploration nor for cartographic purposes.The examined area is situated NW of Kielce, comprising the middle part of the basin of the Sufraganiec and the Bobrza creeks. In this area there are several elevated ridges running in WNW-ESE direction (Fig. 1), built chiefly of sediments of the Middle and Upper Devonian which have suffered intensive galena, barite and copper mineralizatlion. On the boundary between Lower and Middle Devonian, larger accumulations of limonites are found in many places.



