Skały metamorficzne podłoża północno-wschodniej Polski (Kruszyniany, Krynki, Mielnik)


  • Wacław Ryka


METAMORPHIC ROCKS OF SUBSTRATUM OF NORTHEASTERN POLAND (Kruszyniany, Krynki, Mielnik)The author surveys the evolution of opinions on the structure of the substratum of northeastern Poland and its adjoining territories, and presents a new tectonic division of this area on the basis of investigations carried out by J. Znosko (1961).Ln northeastern Poland, metamorphic rocks have been identified in 11 bore-holes: Sokółka 1, 2, 3 and 4, Kruszyniany 1, 2, 3 and 4, Krynki, Mielnik, and Łuków. The remaining driIings either ended in the thick mantle of sedimentary rocks, or they penetrated plutonic rocks. - In the present paper, the author discussed metamorphic rocks from Kruszyniany 1 and 2, Krynki and Mielnik. The rocks determined at Sokółka are the object of a separate paper.



