Nowy punkt z utworami "paleocenu" z jednostki skolskiej w Kamienicy Dolnej i Gorzejowej


  • Franciszka Szymakowska


A NEW LOCALITY WITH "PALAEOCENE" SEDIMENTS FROM THE SKOLE UNIT AT KAMIENICA DOLNA AND GORZEJOWA (CARPATHIANS)The author presents her contemplations on the Babice type clays found in the region of Kamienica Dolna and Gorzejowa. Local observations indicate that, generally speaking, the material building these sediments has been supplied from the south thus from a different direction than established far the northern part of the Skole unit, where these directions point to a source situated north or northwestwards (S. Bukowy, 1.956). It seems probable that the southern source has been a cordiliera separating the Skole basin from the Subsilesian basin. The exotic material found here is identical with that of Babice - perhaps proof that both "sources"are built of similar mother rock types which, tawards the end of the Cretaceous period and at the beginning of the PaIaeocene, supplied exotics. These exotics consist of: sericitic, chloritic, and biotitic slates, black Palaeozoic limestones, quartzes, quartzites, granites, and Flysch rocks such as Inoceramian sandstones torn loose from the substratum, as well as Wierzowice shales - of Barremian - Aptian age (these latter have not·been identified at Babice). These sediments contain, both a macro-and microfauna. The microfauna is mingled and contains autochthonic forms, redeposited and derived from washing out Cretaceous sediments. On the basis of material on hand, the age of these sediments seems to be Danian - Palaeocene. Field observations indicate that this sediment is a typical slide form, a fact repeatedly pointed out in previous literature. This assumption is also confirmed not only by the arrangement of the exotic blocks within the clays, but likewise by disrupted thick beds of sandstones (sandstones of slide type).



