Mikrofauna margli globigerynowych z rejonu fałdu Podzamcza


  • Jadwiga Blaicher


MICROFAUNA OF GLOBIGERINA MARLS FROM REGION OF PODZAMCZE FOLD (CARPATHIANS)The microfauna of the correlation horizon of the Su:b-Menilite Globigerina marls which has now been described for the first time, discloses the following characteristic features. In all the investigated sections the microfauna is identically differentiated. In a synthetic conception, two types of assemblages rich in species and number of specimens may be distinguished. One of these types are agglutinating-calcareous assemblages, appearing in the lower part of the Globigerina marls, to which belong the major part of agglutinating microfauna as well as infrequent Globigerina species (Fig. 2, Type I; Fig. 3). The second type is represented by planktonic assemblages appearing in the Upper part of the Globigerina marls with a predominance of Globigerinae (Fig. 2, Type II; Fig. 3). The middle part of the mad complex is distinguished by abundant small Globigerinae (Globigerina postcretacea M j a t.), alongside of large Globigerina species. In samples taken from the highest parts of the section, genus Gimbelina appears. Agglutinating-calcareous assemblages are already found in the green shales underlying the Globigerina marls, and traces of planktonic assemblages still appear in the Susilex beds. Both types of assemblages may also be encountered in other parts of the Carpathians.A survey of the age ranges of the microfauna from the region of the Podzamcze fold and its comparison with Upper Eocene microfauna from the Carpathians and the Caucasus (E. W. Mjatluk, 1950; N. I. Subbotina, 1953; E. Hanzlikowa, 1959; R. Marschalko, O. Samuel, 1960) may serve as basis for denoting a very slow sedimentation of the Globigerina marls, in the period of the Upper Eocene, lasting until the upper part of the Upper Eocene.



