Występowanie pstrych margli w górnej kredzie i eocenie jednostki skolskiej


  • Kazimierz Żytko


OCCURRENCE OF VARIEGATED MARLS IN TU UPPER CRETACEOUS AND EOCENE OF THE SKOLE UNIT (FLYSCH CARPATHIANS)In the southern part of the Skole unit, in Bandrów near Ustrzyki Dolne, the author disclosed the Upper Cretaceous deposits in a facies of variegated marls. In the same tectonic element, farther northwestwards there occurs the Upper Cretaceous deposits in the facies of the Inoceramian beds. The author emphasized the lithological similarity of the variegated marls of Bandrów to the Węglówka marls of the sub-Silesian series and calls attention to the difference in their microfauna assemblages. In the vicinity of Ustrzyki Dolne, the Lower Eocene as developed in a facies of variegated shales. In the Middle Eocene the author distinguished three fades - the Hieroglyphic beds, the variegated shales, and the Hieroglyphic beds with intercalations of variegated marls. He points out that in the Eocene of interior folds of the Skole unit variegated marls may be observed in·a large area. It is his opinion that, during the period from the Upper Cretaceous to the Oligocene, the Skole ·basin in the investigated section was limited in the south by a submarine ridge diverting turbidity currents. He also indicates the directions of transport existing during the Upper Cretaceous and the Middle Eocene (Fig. 1).



