O problemach podłoża prekambryjskiego północno­wschodniej Polski w świetle badań petrograficznych skał metamorficznych z Sokółki, Kruszynian i Mielnika


  • Wacław Ryka


ON PROBLEMS OF THE PRECAMBRIAN SUBSTRATUM OF NORTHEASTERN POLAND IN VIEW OF PETROGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS OF METAMORPHIC ROCKS FROM SOKÓŁKA, KRUSZYNIANY AND MIELNIKThis paper is a summary of petrographic-chemical material previously published from the following bore-holes: Sokółka 1, 2 and 3, Kruszyniany 1 and 2, Krynki and Mielnik (W. Rytka, 1961 a, b). In this paper the author presents the results of a petrofabric and facial a:nalysis of these rocks, and their facial analysis. Furthermore, he compares the metamorphic rocks with similar Precambrian rocks, and draws his conclusions regarding the geological structure of the substratum of Notheastern Poland on the basis of examinations of rock samples from Sakółka, Kruszyniany and Mielnik. Concluding, the authors sets forth his stratigraphical deductions.



