Facja lagunowo-kontynentalna malmu nad górnym Bugiem


  • Antoni Marian Żelichowski


LAGOONAL-CONTINENTAL FACIES OF THE MALM ALONG THE UPPER BUG RIVERIn 1939, J. Samsonowicz discovered Jurassic sediments along the upper Bug river, in the shape of a minor patch near Lwów.Recently, Jurassic sediments were found on Polish territory in several bora-holes. We may distinguish three rock complexes occurring, in ascending order, as follows: variegated rocks, salt formations, calcareous strata.Examinations show that the terrigenic (variegated) rocks, called the Tyszowce series, reveal a gradual transition from a continental facies developed in the central parts of occurrence of the Tyszowce series, between Krasnogród and Ruda Lubycka to the typically marine deposits of Babczyn. The superimposed dolomitic-anhydrite deposits of a salt facies extend towards northeast less far than does the Tyszowce series. In the marginal zone, anhydrite deposits play an important part; however, towards the axial parts of the basin they disappear and there remain exclusively series of dolomites and limestones. A similar range reveals the topmost calcareous rock complex.



