O niektórych problematykach z fliszu Karpat polskich


  • Marian Książkiewicz


ON SOME PROBLEMATIC ORGANIC TRACES FROM THE FLYSCH OF THE POLISH CARPATHIANS15. Megagrapton n.f. (Plate I, fig. 1-2). Trails up to 3 cm. thick, 2 mm. high, often straight or feebly curved, branch in fairly regular intervals, forming a nearly right angle. Some of the branching trails end abruptly, with the termination slightly enlarged and tubiform. The presence of free tubes stuck to the surface indicates that the trails are a coprolithic filing of tunnels made by an organism burrowing at the clay-sand interface. The filling does not show, however, any difference in composition with the sandstone. The trails occur on the lower surface of thin-bedded sandstones.This graphoglyptic form is in some way related to Desmograpton Fuchs, which also ramifies at right angle. The network formed by the trail in question is rectangular but the rectangles are never closed. It occurs in association with small and poorly developed Belorophe and. Palaeodictyum.Not very frequent in the Beloveza beds (Lower and Middle Eocene).



