Wyniki badań objawów bituminów w otworze Magnuszew IG 1


  • Stanisław Depowski
  • Aleksandra Krassowska


RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS OF BITUMINS SYMPTOMS IN BORE-HOLE MAGNUSZEW IG lThe Magnuszew test hole is situated in the Lublin - Święty Krzyż part of the Marginal Syncline, i.e. in the transition zone between the Eastern Eurapean Platform and Geosyncline. This bore-hole was drilled in the period from Jan 28, 1956 to June 7, 1958 reaching the depth of 3003.5 m. Following an analysis of geologicaI material gained from this bore-hole it was decided to test it. This test was to be used for the investigation of traces of crude oil and gases encountered during drilling;·and of water-bearing horizons occurring in the Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The stratigraphical-lithoIogical profile of the Magnuszew bore-hole is shown in Fig. 1. Traces of oil and gas were founded the Jurassic, Triassic, Permian and Carboniferous sediments. At the time when testing was started, the bore-hole contained tubings as follows: ø22"-6.00 m., ø85/8"-107.00 m., ø14"-601.05 m., ø95/8"-1775.00 m., and ø6 5/8"-2712.64 m. The tubes have been cemented right up to the top, excepting those of 6 5/8" size which were cemented merely from depth 2712.64 m. to the depth of approx. 1000 m. From the bare bottom of the bore-hole tested by exhausting of mud fluid. The remaining of horizons, numbering 22, were tapped by shotless perforators; subsequently, tested also by exhausting of mud fluid or by water. After testing, each successive horizon was cemented again, and the tightness of this cementing was checked in every instance. By the taking of samples from water-bearing horizons it was intended to examine the chemical properties, the pressure and the output of the water and the chemical properties of gases possibly appearing with the liquid. The bore-hole tubing made it also possible to determine the geothermal degree of heat. Preceding this test the bore-hole was filled with water, and the test itself was made after an interval of 14 days during which the thermal regime within the bore-hole became stabilized to a considerable extent.



