Wyniki poszukiwań pierwiastków, śladowych w aluwiach współczesnych Sufragańca i Bobrzy w północno-zachodniej części Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Andrzej Jaqworski


RESULTS OF SEARCH FOR TRACE ELEMENTS IN MODERN ALLUVIA OF THE SUFRAGANIEC AND BOBRZA RIVERS IN THE NORTHWESTERN PART OF THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINSNo investigations have hitherto been undertaken as regards the range of trace elements in alluvial deposits of the Święty Krzyż Mountains.In the present paper the author presents the results of spectral analyses of alluvia from the middle part of the basin of the Sufraganiec and Bobrza rivers in the northwestern part of the Święty Krzyż Mountains. He identified the following 9 elements: Zn, Ag, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr Ba and V. From a study of the spread of these elements along the banks of bath rivers (Figs. 2, 3, 4) it appears that their content in the alluvia increases with ·the range of the mineralized zones passed by these rivers.The author determined the presence of these elements in the shape of admixtures within galena from Święty Krzyż deposits, and the occurrence of fragments of galena, barite, malachite, azurite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and limonite in the Sufraganiec and Bobrza alluvia. This discovery corroborates the author's opinion as to the migration of the trace elements detected in these river alluvia from zones with galena; barite and copper mineralization which show surface outcrops in the discussed region.The author considers it possible to apply .geochemical methods of exploration to the search for new, and the closer scrutiny of known, metal ore deposits in the Święty Krzyż Mountains.



