Uwagi o geomorfologii doliny Czarnej Hańczy


  • Czesław Pachucki


COMMENT ON TBE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE CZARNA HAŃCZA VALLEY (NORTH-EASTERN POLAND)In the Suwałki region, on Polish territory, there may be observed there may be observed three belts of terminal moraines left by successive phases of the retreating inland ice. In this area, the Pomeranian stage transgresses and covers the earlier stages of the last glaciation. Southwards, in front of the moraines of the principal phase, there extends the large Suwałki-Augustów outwash plain.At the contact of this outwash plain with the upland, this region is dissected in a NW - SE direction by the valley of the Czarna Hańcza, about 1 km. wide. In this valley three terraces may be observed: the first terraces, of the flood - accumulation type, - the second, erosive terrace, 6-8 m. above the first, -and the third, erosive terrace, some 12-15 m. above the first. The outwash level 18 elevated 30.m. above the river level. S. Pietkiewicz (1928) was the first to describe the Czarna Hańcza terraces.



