Stratygrafia mikropaleontologiczna oligocenu Polski zachodniej


  • Henryka Wolańska


MICROPALAEONTOLOGICAL STRATIGRAPHY OF THE OLIGOCENE OF WESTERN POLANDPreliminary data are on hand regarding the resuIts of micropalaeontological examinations of samples collected from bore-holes Choszczno IG 1, Drawno geo 1, Wschowa geo 6, Szczecin-Glinki No. 4, and from artificial outcrops at the old and new·brickyard "Zgoda" at Glinki near Szczecin.The samples taken in the vicinity of Szczecin represent the Middle Oligocene for which, according to K. Staesche and H. Hiltermann (1940), Rotaliatina bulliminoides (R e u s s) is the index form. The samples from bore-holes Choszczno IG 1 and Drawno geo 1 represent another horizon of the Middle Oligocene, the horizon with Ceratobulimina contraria and Turrilina aIsatica. Species Glandulina aequalis R e u s s occurring in these samples is well known from the Septaria clays at Pietzpuhl, the Belgian days (the so-called Boom-clays) from Heist and Winterwijk, the Nucula clays and the Lower Tongrien (D. A. J. Batjes, 1958).The samples taken from bore-hole Wschowa geo 6 dearly indicate them to be shallow-water marine deposits as shown by the character of the foraminifer association. Miliolidae predominate, frequent are Polymorphinidae. In large quantities appear Cibicides tenellus (R e u s s), RotaIia canui C u s h. and Nanion granosum (d' Orb.), as well as solitary specimens of Asterigerina gürich (Fr an k e).Thus here is also the Oligocene, but we Jack sufficient data to determine whether we are dealing with the Lower or Upper Oligocene or perhaps, a shallow-water facies of the Middle Oligocene.



