Kopalne formy krasowe z kamieniołomu w Rejowcu


  • Jan Rzechowski


FOSSIL KARST FORMS FROM REJOWIEC QUARRYThe object of the author's investigations were the pocket and fissure forms occurring in the·top part of Cretaceous rocks (Iimestones and marls) of the Rejowiec quarry near Lublin. All these forms are filled with Quaternary deposits.Detailed examinations of these forms carried out in 1958-1960, as well 81 granulometric and mineralogical investigations of the material filling the above forms revealed them to be produced by karst processes. The high carbonate content of the Cretaceous sediments at Rejowiec (Table 3) and their abundant fissures created conditions favorable to producing karst features. The distribution of these forms, corroborated by the lithology and the trend of the main fissures; seems to indicate that these favorable conditions have actually led to karst processes. Moreover, a karst origin of these forms is also implied by the clearly noticeable differentiation of their shapes and dimensions as well as their joining into a system of underground channels and fissures. Further proof of the karst origin of the pockets and caves Is the occurrence, underneath the pockets, of calcareous breccias cemented by caIcium carbonate that has been washed out from superimposed rocks, and the occurrence of a clayey residuum after dissolution of limestones and marls; this residuum fills the outer fragments of the discussed forms.



