O wieku i rozprzestrzenieniu piaskowca środkowoturońskiego w kredzie północnosudeckiej


  • Jerzy Milewicz


ON AGE AND RANGE OF MIDDLE TURONIAN SANDSTONE IN NORTH SUDETIC CRETACEOUSThe author investigated Turonian sandstones described by H. Scupin as "Ludwigsdorfer Sandstein" and by H. Andert as sandstones of the Upper Turonian αβ. Both authors consider these sandstones to be of Upper Turonian age and to extend all over the Cretaceous of the Sudeten Mountains, Czechoslovakia and Saxony; they believe their thickness to be some 200 to 250m.The author demonstrates the discussed sandstones to being to the Middle Turonian zone of Inoceramus lamarcki, and their thickness to be from 0 to approx. 90 m.(Fig.1); he shows them to form a sandstone tongue developed locally in the eastern part of the North-Sudetic Basin, between Skorzynice and Gościszów, a distance of some 16 to 17 km. (Fig. 2).Furthermore the author expresses the opinion that the sandstones of the Inoceramus lamarcki zone represent a group of delta cones ,piled up by rivers in the sublittoral belt of the Upper Cretaceous sea.



