Malm okolic Poznania


  • Zofia Dąbrowska
  • Wanda Bielecka


THE MALM IN THE REGION OF POZNAŃOn the basis of the lithological development of Malm sediments and their content of macro- and microfauna, the authors discuss in detail the stratigraphy revealed in bore-holes Poznań and Lusowo; they also analyze facial conditions of the Malm of this region, correlating them with bore-hole Piekary previously described.The bore-holes Poznań, Lusowo and Piekary are situated on the fore-sudetic monocline,·not far from each other. Bore-hole Piekary lies on the slope of this monocline, bore-hole Lusowo within a minor local syncline, bore-hole Poznań in an immature salt structure. The difference in their position is reflected in the somewhat different structure of their strata as well as in their macro- and microfaunal associations differing to a certain degree.The lowest members of the Lower Malm have been penetrated only at Piekary; here the Argovian sediments are developed in a marl-mudstone and a calcareo-reef facies,·whereas at Poznań they occur in a calcareo-marly facies. The Rauracian occurs at Piekary and Poznań in a calcareo-spongy facies, somewhat more marly, at Poznań. In the Astartian of the Piekary bore-hole there continues a reef facies, while Poznań shows a calcareo-marly facies. Sediments of the Low -Kimmeridgian; developed in a calcareo-marly facies, have been determined at Poznań and Lusowo; at Piekary they underwent erosion.



