Stratygrafia i litologia liasu na obszarze kalisko-częstochowskim


  • Zbigniew Deczkowski


LIAS STRATIGRAPHY AND LITHOLOGY IN THE KALISZ-CZĘSTOCHOWA AREAThe author presents his new stratigraphical division of the Lower Jurassic, the area of Kalisz and Częstochowa. Geological material obtained in recent years from bore-holes in the region of Kalisz and Wieluń made it possible to establish the stratigraphical and lithological profiIe of the Lias sediments of this region. In many instances it had been impossible to define the appropriate stratigraphical position of individual Lias series distinguished in this area by J. Znoska (1955, 1959) and Z. Mossoczy (1961), since these authors used as basis mainly lithological considerations (Tables 1 and 2). The fact that in the Lias profile of the Częstochowa area rock series of a similar lithological character occur, combined with a scanty amount of palaeontological data, led repeatedly to erroneous age definitions.



