O wieku piaskowców z Wąchocka


  • Hanna Senkowiczowa
  • Andrzej Ślączka


ON THE AGE OF THE WĄCHOCK SANDSTONESIn the northern periphery of the Święty Krzyż Mountain, in the region of Wąchock and Suchedniów, hematite sandstones occur in the upper part of the Lower Triassic. Their range has not yet been determined, since their major part is covered by younger deposits; at any rate it is known that northwards they extend as far as the region of Studzianna.Hitherto the exact age of these sandstones has not been established, mainly due to the lack of fossils. However, recent research indicates that the hematite sandstones represent sediments of the Lower Roth. The author suggest the term "Wąchock beds" for the entire complex containing intercalations of these sandstones.



