Pierwsze znalezisko sporomorf cechsztyńskich w Polsce


  • Teresa Orłowska-Zwolińska


A FIRST FINDING OF ZECHSTEIN SPOROMORPHS IN POLANDThe author describes sporomorphs found in Poland for the first time in Zechstein sediments. The examined material was taken from bore-hole Mielnik on the Bug river (Eastern Poland).The spectrum of the Mielnik profile is formed chiefly by two-bag pollen grains Disaccites, especially of Lueckisporites virkkiae P o t. et K l a u s representing 27% (.= Lueckisporites virkkiae P o t. et K l a u s sensu L e s c h i k - 13% and Taeniaesporites noviaulensis L e s c h i k - 14%). A second plentifully occurring genus is genus Pityosporites (S e w a r d) P o t. et K l a u s (29%) with a marked predominance of species Pityosporites schaubergeri. Worthy of notice is the fact that sporomorphs Platysaccus insignitus sp. nov. found here show a great remembrance with sporomorphs Ullmannia frumentaria (S c h l o t h.) G o e p p., characteristic for the Zechstein. The sporomorphs mentioned here are evidence of the Zechstein age of the investigated sediments. A more accurate comparison as regards its spores and pollen of the examined profile with known European Zechstein profiles suggests it to resemble most closely the Lower Rhenanian (Z1) of the Lower Zechstein of Germany (H. Grebe, 1958).



