Kontakt triasu i jury w otworze wiertniczym Eugeniów koło Gowarczowa


  • Zbigniew Kozydra


CONTACT OF TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC DEPOSITS IN BORE-HOLE EUGENIÓW NEAR GOWARCZÓWThis paper presents the results obtained in a bore-hole sunkt at Eugeniów near Gowarczów (northern periphery of the Święty Krzyż Mountains). In the profile of this bore-hole the author distinguishes, at the depth from 4.9 to 120.7 m., Lower Lias sediments consisting in their upper part of a sandstone series, in the lower of a clayey-mudstone series. At its bottom, the Lias starts with a thin layer of unequigranular sandstone showing features of a transgressive horizon.At the depth from 120.7 to 163.2 m., a series of cherry-red claystones and siltstones appears amidst which locally numerous fragments of carbonate rook occur and, sometimes, thin beds of silty conglomerates. In the top part of this series a horizon of weathering has been observed. Due to its resembling sediments penetrated in other regions of Poland, this series has been assigned to the Rhaetian.



