Retyk i lias południowego obrzeżenia Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Katarzyna Pawłowska


THE RHAETIAN AND THE LIAS OF THE SOUTHERN PERIPHERY OF THE ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINSIn the Święty Krzyż Mountains the sediments of the Rhaetian and the Lias have been thoroughly recognized in the northern and western Mesozoic periphery of this massif. On the basis of material found in bore-holes the author describes a new and hitherto unknown province of occurrence of the Lias in the southern part of the Święty Krzyż Mountains. In this area, the sediments of the Rhaetian and the Lias participate in the structure of two tectonic units - the Grabki syncline and a monoclinal structure extending east of the -Szydłów-Grabki dislocation.In the profile of bore-hole Poręba Wierzbicka presented by the author the thickness of the Rhaetian sediments is 55.3 m.; these sediments are clastic and coarse-clastic, of variegated type. The Lias sediments show a thickness of 124.5 m.; on the basis of the sporomorph Lycostrobus Scotti found here, they were assigned to the Lower Lias. A more complete profile of the Lias may be expected to be found in the axial part of the Grabki syncline, where preliminary palynological examinations already revealed the presence of Lias γ and ε.These new data on the occurrence of the Lias in the southern part of the Święty Krzyż Mountains are of marked significance for the cognizance of the palaeogeography of the Rhaetian and the Lias and for the elucidation of the sub-Tertiary geological structure of the Święty Krzyż Mountains.



