Charakterystyka zlepieńców cechsztyńskich synkliny gołęzicko-bolechowickiej


  • Aleksandra Kostecka


CHARACTERISTIC OF ZECRSTEIN CONGLOMERATES IN GAŁĘZICE-BOLECHOWICE SYNCLINE (ŚWIĘTY KRZYŻ MOUNTAINS)The conglomerates represent here an interesting element in the lithostratigraphical profile of the Zechstein. They form two horizons, at the bottom and in the top of the series respectively. Those at the bottom are called the “lower", those in the-top - the "upper" conglomerates.The Zechstein conglomerates are coarse-clastic rocks, mostly of red colour; this colour is caused by their clayeylimy matrix with a high content of iron compounds. Sometimes, calcite serves as cementing mass. Lithologicailly the gravels of the conglomerate consist essentially of Givetian limestones, sporadically also of Carboniferous, Frasnian and Fammenian limestones. On the other hand, in the region of Kowala Middle Devonian dolomite fragments are frequently encountered.These conglomerates are a variable deposit: sometimes they form a hard compact rock (Zygmuntówka), somewhere else they are brittle and crumbling. At times, cross-bedding may be observed in the conglomerates, as well as an imbricate structure of pebbles.



