Fameńskie łupki bitumiczne w rejonie Zaręb


  • Bogumił Taszek


FAMMENIAN BITUMINOUS SHALES IN THE REGION OF ZARĘBYIn his examination of the occurrence of bituminous shales in Paleozoic sediments of the Święty Krzyż Mountains the author paid special attention to the Łagów-Zaręby region. Drilling and mining activities carried out there in the spring of 1960 led to the demarcation of the range of this deposit and to the knowledge of the structure·in its vertical section.The occurrence of bituminous shales was determined in an area of 950 m. length and from 40 to 300 m. width, extending in a N-S direction. The Zaręby bituminous shales are limited from the west by Lower Carboniferous clayey-siliceous shales (also containing bitumina) with phosphate concretions, from the east by lower members of the Fammenian developed as dark-grey clayey-siliceous-limy shales, while the boundary in the north and south consists of Upper Devonian limestones.The lithological section of the top strata of the Fammenian as established by mining shows the following strata: underling the Quaternary cover of 3-12 m. thickness are dark-brown bituminous shales. They form a deposit of varying thickness, oscillating between 10 and 50 cm., interstratified by greyish-brown loosely cemented silty deposits of similar thicknesses. Macroscopically the bituminous shales resemble brown coal. They are underlain by a dark-brown plastic clay resembling gyttia. Lower still are light-yellow nad yellow laminated argillaceous shales with a trilobite fauna, whereas the lowermost strata consist .of grey clayey-siliceous-limy shales.In the present paper the author presents only preliminary results of his examinations, limiting his report to discussing the southern part of this deposit of some 400 m. length; the major part of analyses have been made from this part. In his tabulating his results the author took in those sections only in which the average content of bituminous oil in the deposit fit to be exploited, determined by Fischer’s method, exceeds 4%.In bore-hole No. 1 (the thickness of the bed worth mining is 3.5 m.), and its average oil content is 4.12%. In bore-hole No. 4 (5.0 m. thickness), the oil content is 5.18%, in bore-hole No. 19 (7.0 m. thickness) it is 7.66%.



