Eifel dolny w antyklinie godowskiej


  • Piotr Filonowicz


THE LOWER EIFELIAN IN THE GODÓW ANTICLINEThe author of this paper discusses the Lower Eifelian strata in the Godów-anticline (Święy Krzyż Mountains). Among the ample fauna discovered there, consisting of brachiopods, anthozoans and trilobites, worthy of note are index forms of the Lower Eifelian - such as: Ptenophllum torquatum (S c h I u t er), Pseudozonophyllum halii W e d e k I n d and Rhopalophyllum heterophyllum (E d w a r d s et H e i m e). The author also established the boundary between the Eifelian and the Givetian on the basis of Amphipora banks. Moreover, he determined the stratigraphical position of the silts tones and marls described for the first time by A. Michalski. These strata·appear in the northern limb of the Godów anticline and have been assigned to the Lower Eifelian (Fig. 4).On the basis of a geological drift map and of the most important outcrops, the author discusses tectonic problems of the Godów anticline. This anticline is an asymmetrical structure in which the axial plane is inclined 20-30° north-eastwards. Owing to the partial refolding of the strata in the northern limb of the anticline, there took place a dislocation of an overthrust type between the Eifelian sediments and the Lower Devonian sandstones. In the southern limb the largest dislocation of the type of an overthrust towards northeast occurs within a strong bend of the Middle Devonian strata along the Świślina valley.The author also calls attention to the tectonic discordance determined between the Devonian sediments and the Triassic. This discordance proves the Godów anticline to have developed during the Hercynian orogeny. Later tectonic disturbances observed between the Mesozoic and the Palaeozoic strata were probably produced during the Cimmerian movements.



