Przyczynek do poznania okruszcowania uranowego w węglach warstw radwanickich na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Bohdan Nielubowicz


A CONTRIBUTION TO RECOGNIZE THE URANIUM :MINERALIZATION IN COALS OF THE RADWANICE BEDS OF LOWER SILESIAThe coals from the Radwanice beds of the Stephanian stage, occurring in the Carboniferous coal basin at Okrzeszyn, Lower Silesia, have been investigated. In order to determine the character of the uranium mineralization, the coal samples from two coals seams have been examined under microscope in reflected light, by the method of contact refraction patterns, during radiographic observations and by ,means of X-ray analysis. Furthemore, also geochemical examinations on the fractionated samples, as well as quantitative petrographical analysis of the coals have been made and then compared with the radiometric tests.



