Warunki akumulacji gazu w Karpatach polskich


  • Stanisław Depowski


CONDITIONS·OF GAS ACCUMULATION IN THE POLISH CARPATHIANSThe largest gas accumulations, so far discovered in the Polish Carpathians, are connected with the elevations of the anticlinal folds stretching from Sanok to Strachocina and from Potok to Roztok, and situated near the northern boundary of the Central Synclinorium of Carpathians. These folds are characteristic of their disharmonic structure resulting from the intensive folding and uplifting processes of the upper part of the fold built of the argillaceous Eocene deposits. This part is in contrast with the less tectonicall engaged sandstone core of the fold, in which the :gas accumulation took place. These conditions caused favourable sealing of· the gas-bearing Istebna sandstones in the Potok-Roztoka fold. In the gas deposit connected with the anticlinal Grabownica-Wieś fold running northeast from the Sanok-Strachocina fold, the Istebna sandstones form a gas-bearing horizon. In the gas deposits connected with. the folds of' Rudawka Rymanowska and Szalowa, the Ciężkowice sandstones are reservoir rocks. These deposits occur in the southern part of the Central Synclinorium of Carpathians and disclose a more complicated geological structure, since both the folds are overturned and partly scaled off, whereas the deposit in the Szalowa fold is from above, tectonically screened by the Magura nappe.



