Miocen w widłach rzek Wisły i Nidy oraz jego siarkonośność


  • Tadeusz Osmólski


MIOCENE DEPOSITS WITHIN THE FORK OF THE NIDA AND THE VISTULA RIVERS, AND THEIR SULPHUR CONTENTSThe geological structure of the Czarkowy region situated within, the fork of the Nida and the Vistula rivers, south of the road joining Nowy Korczyn and Wislica, is completely concealed by a loess cover, up to about 30 m. in thickness. Due to this, the only known (till 1958) pre-Quaternary deposits of this region were the Tortonian gypsums and limestones, occurring in the outcrops at Czarkowy. Furthermore, the existing geological maps show, south of the gypsum outcrops, directly under the Quaternary deposits, the presence of a small· sheet of the Maestrichtian marls, approximately 1 km long and about 250 m wide.Only recently made drillings allowed to recognize the geological structure of the Czarkowy region. Thus, the tectonics of the area stretching from Wawrowice to Karsy, beyond the Vistula river was explained, and the Wawrowice-Senisławice-Karsy structure forming a boundary between both Solec and Działoszyn troughs was established.Moreover, there was determined a fault throwing down the Tortonian sediments along the Kocina-Senisławice line. and running parallel to the southern margin of a block of the Maestrichtian marls, which in the area from Wawrowice to Senisławice, proved to occur directly under the boulder clays and loesses. The whole profile of the Tortonian and Sarmatian sediments resting here at the top of the Maestrichtian marls was investigated, as well as certain laws governing the sulphur contents in a series of chemical sediments were recognized, too. The author attempted to confirm his own previous hypothesis (T. Osmólski, 1961) concerning relations existing between the alterations occurring in gypsums, changing them into sulphur, limestones and marls, and the bitumens disseminated in, the Cretaceous substratum, which in view of the specific, geological conditions of the Wawrowice-Senisławice-Karsy structure are probably migrating from the SE direction, this is from the Żabno and the Dąbrowa Tarnowska areas.



