Uwagi o stratygrafii serii magurskiej w okolicy Szymbarku Ruskiego


  • Wacław Sikora


STRATIGRAPHY OF THE MAGURA SERIES IN THE AREA OF SZYMBARK RUSKIDuring 1957-1960 the author mapped the Magura nappe in the area of Szymbark Ruski. As a result of this work the following members were distinguished:I n o c e r a m i a n  b e d s (Senonian-Palaeocene), in which 3 types of facies were established. In the lower part of the inoceramian beds F. Mitura (19160) identified lnoceramus lingua G I d f, and Inoceramus mülleri P e t r a s c h e k, while in one of the samples J. Blaicher determined Globotruncana arca C u s h., G. cf. ventricosa W h i t e, G. cf. tricarinata (Q u e r e a u). The thickness of the inoceramian beds is about 300 m.V a r i e g a t e d  s h a le s (Lower-Upper Eocene) separated by a 140 m., thick complex of thickbedded sandstones and Ciężkowice conglomerates. At the top of these shales there occur 6 m thick marls with Globigerina. The microfauna of these marls corresponds to the submenilite globigerina marls (J. Blaicher, W. Sikora, 1963).The youngest member is built up of the Magura beds developed as thickbedded glauconitic sandstones interfingered by dark ashen-grey calcareous shales. At the bottom part of the Magura beds a 3 cm., thick lamella of dacitic-andesitic tuff occurs. The bottom of the Magura beds within the marginal zone of the Magura Palaeogene, to which the area in study belongs, corresponds to· the bottom of the Krosno menilite series.The directions of transport in both Cretaceous and Palaeogene times indicate that during these periods the material was supplied from the northern marginal area of the Magura basin, i.e. from the Silesian island.



