Wyniki rewizji serii karbońskiej z Załuczy 1


  • Halina Żakowa
  • Eugeniusz Głowacki
  • Henryk Jurkiewicz


RESULTS OF RECONSIDERATION OF THE CARBONIFiEROUS SERIES FROM BORE-HOLE ZAŁUCZE 1Bore-hole Załucze 1, situated south of the Święty Krzyż Mountains and sunk in 1948-1950, is the first deep drilling .to discover the Lower Carboniferous in the·substratum of the foreland of the Middle Carpathians. Although J. Czarnocki (I956) described the lithological profile of the series found at the depth from 1734.40 to 2229.40 m. assigning it to the Lower Carboniferous, up to now its fauna has not been identified. This author determined .here the occurrence brachiopods, corals, crinoids, pelecypods, fishes and ostracods. According to J.Czarnocki the Carboniferous is represented in the discussed bore-hole mainly by grey limestones, compact and recrystallized; at times pseudo-oolitic, with transitions to marls, and containing intercalations of marly or clayey shales, alabasters and dolomites.



