Porównanie górnego prekambru (ryfeju) przedgórza Karpat środkowych z serią zielonych łupków Dobrudży


  • Eugeniusz Głowacki
  • Piotr Karnkowski


COMPARISOIN OF THE UPPER PRECAMBRIAN (RIPHAEAN) OF THE MIDDLE CARPATHIAN FORELAND WITH A SERIES Of GREEN SCHISTS OF DOBRUDJAIn the present paper a comparison of the young Precambrian (Riphaean) formations from the Middle Carpathian Foreland with a series of green schists of Middle Dobrudja is given. The samples from the series of the Dobrudja green schists used for comparison were collected by one of the present authors while participating at the 5th Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Association in 1961.The comparison reveals that these formations are very similar to each other of particular interest is the similarity of degree of diagenesis (weak metamorphosis) and the petrographic composition. As to the latter, the particularly high contents of feldspars and chlorite are worthy of stress. Their microspores are also similar there.Furthermore, both areas disclose a strong resemblance in tectonic character. The folding of the oldest sediments (of young Precambrian age) might have appeared during the Baikal orogeny time. Since then, these areas show platform features, although frequently and at various periods the foreland was submerged by the sea.It should be supposed that a fairly close· and direct connection, running underneath the mantle built of Miocene deposits and partly of the Carpathian Flysch, exists at present, between the Precambrian of the foreland and the series. of green schists of Middle Dobrudja.·This would be here a highly uplifted zone. ie. the Święty Krzyż - Dobrudja ridge of R. Zuber.



