Wyznaczanie skał magmowych i ich miąższości w nierdzeniowanych odcinkach głębokich wierceń Śląska Cieszyńskiego


  • Konrad Konior


IDENTIFICATION OF MAGMATIC ROOKS AND THEIR THICKNESSES IN CORELESS SECTIONS OF DEEP BORE-HOLES IN CIESZYN SILESIANumerous deep bore-holes in Cieszyn Silesia encountered magmatic rocks, i.e. diabases and teschenites, known from outcrops. The diabases are connected with the marginal, beds of the Coal Measures, whereas  numerous teschenite intrusions appeared in sediments of the Cieszyn and Subsilesian nappe and of the autochthonous Miocene. Moreover, there was determined the occurrence of rocks showing contact alterations.However, due to breaks which occurred sometimes in sections of mechanical bore cores, not all intrusions of magmatic rocks are shown in the cores; nor is known the actual thickness of such intrusions. The detailed analysis of diagrams, of electric profiling indicates that by selecting a core which, partly corresponds to a given anomaly there exists a satisfactory basis for identifying the entire anomaly (1), and that in instances where there exists no core within the range of an observed geophysical anomaly, the electrostratigraphical picture makes it possible to draw conclusions at to the possibility of magmatic rocks occurring there and as to their real thickness (2).An impression of, this kind, put forth after a thorough investigation of the entire diagram of the electric profile from the given bore hole, has all the features of verisimilitude. Even so, at present· we can obtain certainty only by taking cores.



