Analiza pyłkowa osadów czwartorzędowych z Ferdynandowa


  • Zofia Janczyk-Kopikowa


POLLEN ANALYSIS OF THE QUATERNARY DEPOSITS FROM FEBDYNANDÓW (NW OF KOCK)The gyttja and silt deposits occurring east of Dęblin in the bore-hole Ferdynandów were investigated by means of pollen analysis. The geological situation of these deposits in the profile discussed here is as follows.Under the gyttja and silt deposits zones of boulder clay and sands have been ascertained; also a zone of boulder clay and several arenaceous series are found above the·deposits under discussion.The pollen spectrum gives a picture of flora changes, characteristic of the interglacial, with two horizons of cold-loving flora at the top and bottom parts of the profile, and one horizon of warm-loving flora in the middle part. The palaeobotanical criteria allow to refer the deposits under study to the Masovian Interglacial. The cool optimum period of the Interglacial at Ferdynandów is, inter alia, characteristic of occurrence of elements being strange for the present-day flora of Poland, f.ex. Ilex, Pterocarya, Juglans a.o.Because of an un completeness of the profile investigated, the present elaboration is only a preliminary one, merely sygnalizing a new site of the Masovian (older) Interglacial.



